Tuesday, December 11, 2007

OUR New Home

We’ve Moved!
Please update your address book for:

The Dalton Family
1638 Portwest Drive
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
Phone: 843.236.6423
E-mail: jayandjamiedalton@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Asheville Mountains

Jay Acting Like A Goofball

Jay & I at Mom's 60th Birthday Party

Mom, Ma-Ma, & Me at Mom's 60th Birthday Party

Wow! I'm SLACK!!!

I realize that I haven't posted anything since October, and you're probably all wondering what we've been up to! Well, we didn't do anything for Halloween, and we had not ONE trick-or-treater. My 28th birthday was on November 12th so Jay and I left on the 8th for Asheville. We ventured downtown to check out the specialty shops, we toured the Biltmore House on Friday night, ate dinner at BoneFish Grill, and then headed back home on Saturday morning. The Biltmore House was unbelievable. We took the Candlelit Christmas tour, and the decorations were phenomenal. Not to mention, Jay was in heaven; he soaked up every bit of historical facts he could. The leaves were still turning, and the views were breathtaking.

I got many nice gifts ... Jay bought me a pair of Coach shoes, Josh bought me a pair of Christian Dior sunglasses, and Mom and Dad top the list with buying us a new house. Yes, you heard me correctly ... a new house. Our new house is located in Carolina Waterway Plantation near Mom and Dad. I'm so thankful for everything that God has blessed me with, and I'm looking forward to making many new memories in our new house. Jay is ecstatic because it's closer to work for him, near the golf course, and he has a boys' room to hang out in. PLEASE PRAY THAT OUR OTHER HOUSE SELLS.

On Thanksgiving morning, we were up bright and early to pick up Talon in Greensboro, NC. We then headed to Chesterfield, SC to my Grandmother's house to eat, eat, and eat some more. Talon loves going there because he and my cousin, Trace, have a ball together. It's always so good to be able to spend time with family and those you love the most. We had a house full and enjoyed every minute of it. On Thanksgiving night, we hung out with Mike, Beth, Billy, & Allyson for a little while. We also were able to visit with Papa Roy, and Talon got to spend some quality time with Papa while Jay and I went to my Mom's 60th birthday party.

On Saturday, November 24th, Mom turned 60, and we went out to eat with Ma-Ma, Dad, Steve, and Elaine to celebrate her life. I'm so thankful for my mom, and couldn't imagine life without her. She's truly my best friend. God has definitely blessed me with a wonderful family.

Our furniture for the new house is being delivered this week, and Jay and I are going shopping this weekend for fixtures, bedding, TVs, etc. We're leaving one bedroom empty in hopes to decorate it as a nursery. No BABY news yet, but we'll keep you posted.

Until Next Time!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Two of my favorite bloggers, Danelle & Judith, have tagged me to share 7 random, unknown facts about myself. Well, there is very few things that are unknown about me because I always speak my mind and share what I'm feeling. BUT, I will do my best to come up with something. However, I must tag other bloggers so here's who I choose .... JORDAN, ANDREA, ERICA, & AMIE!

1. I love horse-drawn carriage rides
2. I would love to be a stay-at-home mom (if our funds would permit)
3. I hate cleaning bathtubs
4. I not only budget and pay for my own bills, I also watch after three of my friends' financial affairs as well
5. I HATE football
6. I'm obsessed with organization
7. I love the smell of clothes drying

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

DIET Leaf: 6th Week

Wow! What a week this has been ... I've been trying to finish my Christmas shopping plus getting ready for Christian and Gricel's wedding this weekend so I haven't been paying all that much attention to my eating habits.

BUT, here's the verdict: I lost .8 lbs. this week, which brings my weight loss to a total of 4.8 lbs.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

DIET Leaf: 5th Week

This week has been full of great surprises ... my best friend, Courtney, called to say she was pregnant AND my co-worker, Michele, just found out that she is pregnant. It has been a baby-filled week; it is always so exciting to plan for a little one.

I have eaten out twice in the past week at Outback along with attending a BBQ at Steve and Elaine's house. I tried my best those nights to stick to my diet plan, but I must admit that I cheated a little bit. I'm still walking, but on Friday and Sunday afternoon, I took the dogs for an extended stroll. I completely enjoyed myself, but I think it was a little much for Noah.

The verdict ... I lost .6 lbs., which brings my total weight loss to 4 lbs.

Learning to LIVE Loved

I was reading through Max Lucado's daily UPWORDS titled "Learning to Live Loved", and thought to myself "Wow! God loves me regardless; His love is unfailing."

One segment of Max's inspirational chapter said this ... "Does He love us because of our goodness? Because of our kindness? Because of our great faith? No, He loves us because of HIS goodness, kindness and great faith. John says it like this: 'This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us' I John 4:10"

That is the most awesome thing ever to comprehend that God loves me unconditionally simply because He chooses to. He loves me when I'm unlovable, when no one else loves me, he loves me without rhyme or reason.

Some days I find it hard to love ... people hurt my feelings, people annoy me, people take advantage of me, people make me mad, people ignore me, people lie to me, and the list could go on ... BUT when I feel like I'm having a hard time at loving as Christ would have me to do, I need to embrace HIS love. I need to saturate myself in what He tells me, in His truths found in the Bible.

By embracing God's love, we can love others.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Thanks everyone for reminding me that I have yet to post the outcome of my August doctor's visit with you. I did blog about our adoption plan falling through, but there is a reason for everything that happens in life.

After my last visit in August, I did receive good news; my pap results were normal. That is my 2nd normal result in an ongoing battle for almost 2 years. Dr. Richmond said that I could quit taking my birth control, and then after two months, Jay and I could start trying to conceive. This was such a wonderful day ... not only because I was able to have a child BUT also because my body was functioning properly.

Now to answer all of your questions ... Are we trying to conceive?

Verdict ... We're not purposely trying to conceive, i.e. tracking my ovulation and so on. I quit taking my birth control the day that Dr. Richmond told me to, and I must say that I feel better being off of it. However, if we get pregnant, I'll be excited, but at the same time, we're not stressing over it and trying to get pregnant within a designated period of time. I'm of the mindset that WHATEVER HAPPENS WILL HAPPEN.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


A friend of mine emailed the below FORWARD on abortion to me, and I completely had the snubs after reading it. I wanted to share it with you!

Month One

MOMMY, I am only 4 inches long, but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two

MOMMY, today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three

You know what MOMMY, I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.

Month Four

MOMMY, my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.

Month Five

You went to the doctor today.
MOMMY, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a baby.
I am a baby, MOMMY, your baby.
I think and feel.
MOMMY, what's abortion?

Month Six

I can hear that doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
MOMMY, what is it?
It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!

Month Seven

MOMMY, I am okay.
I am in Jesus's arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me, MOMMY?

Every abortion is just one more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak.

DIET Leaf: 4th Week

I'M BACK ON TRACK!!! The verdict for this week ... I lost 3.4 lbs. I made a very worthwhile investment last week and bought one of the Weight Watchers digital scales. I think I'm starting to get old because I was having a hard time reading the old-fashioned scales. Other than feeling a little under the weather, I'm escstatic about pushing towards my goal. I need to start exercising more than I have been ... it's just time to bring my physical activity up a notch. Thanks for all of your encouragement during last week's weigh-in. Until next time ...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

DIET Leaf: 3rd Week

Whoa is me!!! Last week definitely was unsuccessful, but I have to say that I'm back on track as of yesterday. I understand that I gave in to unhealthy choices, but from today forward, I can make the right decisions I had been making before I fell off the wagon during the Pigeon Forge trip.

The verdict: I gained all of my 6 1/2 lbs. back while on vacation.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pictures from Pigeon Forge

Monday, September 24, 2007

Pigeon Forge

Where do I begin? On Thursday morning, I woke up in a complete panic because we were supposed to pick Mom up by 6:30 AM, and it was already 6:00 AM. Jay was a trooper that morning minus his grumpy attitude. He loaded the car and walked the dogs in the pouring rain while I got a shower. We rushed to Mom's house, picked her up, unloaded the dogs for Dad, and were on our way to Chesterfield. We arrived in Chesterfield a little behind schedule, which probably put Ma-Ma in a tizzy. Oh well, what were we to do???

After loading her van with all of our luggage, snacks, and most importantly, the box fan, we had lift off ... our destination was PIGEON FORGE, TENNESSEE. I'm sure mine and Jay's driving nearly gave Ma-Ma a heart attack because we're not ones to abide by the speed limit. We laughed, and laughed, and laughed some more. Our entire weekend was filled with happiness ... we definitely made memories that will last a lifetime. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Dinner at OUTBACK -- we had a really horrible waitress that insisted on telling us how easily she gets sidetracked. That was her excuse for taking 10 minutes to bring Ma-Ma a drink after bringing her the wrong soda the first time. She insisted on calling us baby, honey, sugar, and so on ... so when Ma-Ma would see her coming our way, she would say "Oh no, here she comes again"
2. The weather was as hot in Pigeon Forge as it was when we left the beach. The temperatures soared to 90 degrees during the day and dropped down to 68 degrees at night. Poor Mom only packed long-sleeve items thinking that the mountains were going to be cooler ... she ended up buying some short-sleeve shirts on the clearance rack in Cracker Barrel. We love any excuse to SHOP!
3. We ate, and ate, and ate some more. My diet was non-existent on this trip ... I knew I was in trouble when we picked up my Grandmother and she had made a homemade pound cake to take on the trip with us.
4. SHOPPING -- in respect to shopping, Pigeon Forge is pretty much just like the beach without the water. They had tons and tons of outlet stores. Jay is shopped out until next year because we ran him in the ground by going shopping from sun up to sun down.
5. We ran into technical difficulties with my Grandmother's electric wheelchair lift on her van. The lift got stuck midway between outside and inside the van. Mom and Jay detected the problem --- a frayed wire was causing the misconnection. I guess Jay's wire splicing skills go back to his days of rims and radios. He took some electrical tape and hooked everything up to make it work until we got home. WAY TO GO, BABY!!!
6. Dollywood was nice scenery. I could have stayed for hours just watching the people. Jay and I rode a few roller coasters and watched a few shows with Mom and Ma-Ma. The fall decorations were breathtaking, and their funnel cakes were scrumptious.
7. Cottage #7 was wonderful. It was definitely like being at home with all the amenities you could ask for. The rental company was a little farther up the mountain, and when I called for directions, all the girl kept saying was turn right onto Wears Valley Road and it's 4.9 miles. She kept repeating 4.9 miles over and over so we all had a good laugh on that one. Whenever one of us would ask where something was, everyone would reply with 4.9 miles.
8. We went to the Miracle Theater, which is a musical recreation of the life of Christ. It was absolutely touching. The costumes were exquisite, they had live animals such as horses, camels, sheeps, and donkeys in the performance, and the cast were extremely talented. I would recommend this show to anyone visiting Pigeon Forge. It was well worth the money.
I can't even begin to share all of our trip with you, but I hope you've enjoyed hearing about our adventure. I also pray that we'll have many more trips like this one with my Grandmother.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

DIET Leaf: 2nd Week

This week started really well with my motivation level high, but when we visited Martinsville to see Talon, it was difficult for me to stay on track. There is an Italian restaurant that we have in my hometown of Lexington called Elizabeth's. WELL, Martinsville has this same restaurant so I couldn't resist the taste of their MANICOTTI. I know .... loads and loads of calories, carbohydrates, and fat. BUT, wait, THERE'S MORE ....

We went out to dinner Saturday night, went bowling, and on the way home, Talon and I were hungry. I stopped by Burger King, and instead of making a healthy selection, I ordered a WHOPPER. Needless to say, my weekend was extremely unsuccessful.

BUT, on the positive side, I went straight back to my normal routine yesterday morning, and that definitely put a smile on my face. It made me feel good to know that I was striving for my goal.

So I know you're waiting for the verdict .... I lost 1 lb. this week.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

DIET Leaf: 1st Week

My exciting journey started on September 4th .... I know ... you're wanting to know why I didn't start on a MONDAY. Well, September 3rd was Labor Day, and I just couldn't pass up all of the food from the cookout. I am following my old, trusty Weight Watchers plan, which comes easy for me. I still have to fight off my urges to eat incorrectly. BUT, I also know that I'm not striving for perfection; I'm striving to live a healthier lifestyle. I'm much more focused and determined during the weekdays because I'm at work, I continue my usual routine, and I eat meals at the same time everyday. However, the weekend was definitely more difficult. The weekends are filled with all types of activites like hanging out with friends, going to the beach, shopping, bowling, and EATING!!!

One of my observations is how much more energetic I feel. I've stopped drinking regular sodas and sweet tea. Those of you who know me well ... know that my drug of choice is MOUNTAIN DEW. The calories and sugar associated with that soda are out of this world; not to mention, all of the caffeine in it. I'm drinking 6 glasses of water each day, which makes me feel more hydrated and refreshed. I've also started walking 1 1/2 to 2 miles a day with my faithful four-legged companions, Noah and Jonah.

The verdict: I've lost 5 1/2 pounds this week. I'm ecstatic because any little bit helps.

Turning Over A New Leaf

Well, as some of you know, Fall is one of my favorite seasons. With Fall comes leaves, and I am turning over a new one. I've named it DIET! When Jay and I first started dating, I was 30 lbs. heavier than I was last week when I began my new adventure. Wow!

In the past three years, I've probably started Weight Watchers at least five times, but never carried through with it to meet my goal weight. I can say one positive thing for those experiences, and that is I've never gained back the weight that I lost. However, I'm not too proud of my lack of focus and motivation. I've always struggled with my weight, even as a child. Soooooo, in order to keep myself accountable, I am going to post each week how much weight I HAVE or HAVEN'T lost. I would welcome any comments or anyone who would like to join me on my quest for HEALTHY living.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I absolutely love plays and musicals. There is a small theatre in Conway that hosts different plays and musicals throughout the year using local performers as their cast. This is an outing that Mom and I always enjoy together. The last performance that we attended was in NYC; we saw The Color Purple on Broadway. It was phenomenal and far better than the book or movie. The performance of CHICAGO at the Theatre of the Republic was just as exciting as our last artsy venture.

I picked Mom up early, and we had dinner at the Riverwalk Grill. We had the best homemade chocolate cake ... I'm sorry, Josh, I know that messes up my diet. ;-) The musical started at 8:00 PM, and I was so excited to see one of our friends, Rachel Ayers, perform in the lead role of Roxie Hart. The dancing was absolutely amazing, and I was in awe of their talent.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Grade

It seems like only yesterday that Talon was starting Kindergarten ... Now he's in the big FIRST GRADE. He is at Ridgeway Elementary, and his teacher this year is Mrs. Clay. So far, he's really liking school and enjoying the new classroom. Let's pray that his enthusiasm lasts throughout the school year. He did have one disappointing moment when he found out that his girlfriend, Lindsey, was not in his class this year.

BUT, there are plenty of other fish in the sea ... I'm sure it won't take him long to make other friends. He is still obsessed with his video games, and I swear the child has almost every game system that has ever been made. He also loves MATH, which definitely makes my heart happy. He is always asking what is THIS + THIS or what is THIS - THIS. Maybe he will be a BEAN COUNTER just like his step-mom one day. Well, I've got to run for now, but I'll post more this weekend because we have lots of Labor Day activities planned. On a side note, I just want to say thanks to Tonya, Talon's mom, for emailing me these pictures of his first day of FIRST GRADE!

Tonya sent me this picture last week of Talon. He has finally lost his front tooth, and the awkward stages of smiling and eating have arrived. He's growing so fast, and it feels like only yesterday when he needed help doing EVERYTHING. Now, he's pretty much self-sufficient, and if he can't do it for himself, he still wants to try without adults hovering over him. It is awesome that he enjoys being independent.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Weekend at Ma-Ma's House

As a child, I don't think I ever fully understood the importance of visiting with extended family, taking the time to get to know my cousins, learning from my Grandparents, or appreciating my heritage. Now as I am older, I value time spent with my family.

Mom and I arrived at my Grandmother's house on Friday around 11:30 AM with the canines, Noah and Jonah. She graciously welcomed all of us into her house -- even the dogs. We ate lunch with my Great-Uncle James, my Uncle Mitchell, and my Cousin Austin. My Grandmother is completely bound to a wheelchair, but she still manages to cook huge spreads of food. We ate salmon patties, collards, mac-n-cheese, black-eyed peas, sliced tomatos, deviled eggs, and peach cobbler. I've been trying to watch what I eat, but that went completely out the window once I walked through her front door. We went to eat dinner at one of the few restaurants in Chesterfield, THE CAROLINA RESTAURANT! My Aunt Cynthia's family owns the restaurant, and they have the best steaks ever along with homemade sour cream. Needless to say, I stuffed myself once again.

We woke up Saturday morning to find Noah and Jonah bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. The leftover peach cobbler was calling my name for breakfast so I just had to indulge. We ventured off to Catos and Wal-mart in Cheraw to just look, but somehow, we always come home with at least two bags full of stuff. After packing up and saying our goodbyes, Mom and I headed home to try and fight the beach traffic. Thank God, most of the traffic had already made it's way through. Well, until next time ....

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Summer 2007

Wow! It is hard to believe that the Summer of 2007 is almost over. We started out the summer with Talon coming to stay with us. He began camp at Karate World and absolutely loved it. They had field trips, water day, bike day, karate class, and most importantly, the ever-famous SUPER SUMMER SLEEPOVER. During the first water day, he overcame his fear of water slides. We've also started a chore chart to help him learn responsibility and also what it feels like to earn money. He got an allowance at the end of the week if his chores were done without being asked and without complaining. I have to say that he impressed me with this because he actually takes pride in completing his chores.

We also ventured on a weekend getaway to Charleston, SC to attend Gary and Mickie Lockward's wedding. Unexpectedly, Josh was home for this occasion, but the hotel was full. He and Ivey joined Jay and I in our quaint room at the Francis Marion. This was our first time meeting Ivey, and needless to say, we were forced to be one BIG HAPPY FAMILY. I can't believe she survived a whole weekend with our clan. We had little privacy in our room, but we made the best of it. We went out on the town in Charleston that Friday night to the rooftop bar at the Market Pavilion, attended the wedding that Saturday, and got tipsy at the reception that Saturday night. ;-) BUT, all good things must come to an end. On Sunday, we headed straight to the IHOP in Mt. Pleasant and then home.

While Josh was home, Ma-Ma was able to come and stay with Mom and Dad for two weeks. We spent a lot of quality time with her. We ate lunch together everyday, went shopping, and enjoyed each other's company. It is always wonderful to see Josh ... he unexpectedly opens the door just about every night to visit ... cooks dinner for us ... monopolizes the computer ... challenges us in Tiger Woods 2007 ... he's just PHENOMENAL!!! We shared Wednesday nights with friends eating sushi as well as Sunday nights at the bowling alley. BUT, once again, all good things must come to an end. Josh is currently in New York before coming home to fly to Japan for two months.

Mom and I are headed this weekend to visit with my Grandmother ... it ought to be interesting because we are taking the dogs with us. She acts like she loves them, but I know she only does it so as to not hurt my feelings. I'll post soon with new pictures! MUAH

Thursday, June 21, 2007

~Adoption UPDATE~

We have had a change in plans concerning our Guatemalan adoption. We have decided to not adopt from Guatemala due to some warnings from our US Department of State; I have posted the links below to the warnings and recommendations . We have put a lot of time and effort into completing all of our paperwork along with paying our adoption agency a deposit of $1,000. BUT, everything happens for a reason. We are staying positive and ask for your prayers. I go back to the doctor in August, and I intend to discuss with Dr. Richmond the possibility of Jay and I trying to conceive a child of our own.

Some of you may be asking why we were only interested in a Guatemalan adoption. I don't travel very well as far as flying in a plane. Therefore, we were looking to adopt from a country that I could make the flight to in order to visit and pick up the child.

We truly appreciate all of your love and support. Please take the time to read about the Hague Convention and warnings/recommendations below.

1. http://travel.state.gov/family/adoption/convention/convention_3257.html
2. http://news.webindia123.com/news/articles/World/20070613/686133.html
3. http://travel.state.gov/family/adoption/intercountry/intercountry_2859.html

Monday, June 4, 2007

Babysitting Baby John

We had such a great time baby-sitting little John. He's such a content and happy child. We went to Old Navy and Tommy Hilfiger Kids and bought him some cute, new outfits. He absolutely loved getting a bath, and his favorite thing of all were our two dogs, Noah and Jonah. Jonah was so protective ... he acted like John was his baby and his baby only. It was soooo cute!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

~More MEXICO Pictures~

Jay chillin' in the POOL!

The Newlyweds

Mom and her favorite son-in-law

Josh, Tabitha, and Mike

~MEXICO Pictures~

Mom, Me, and My LITTLE Brother, Josh

Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

As always, we had a wonderful vacation in Mexico. The people are so sweet and so accommodating. They are always smiling, never get upset, and so laid back. The whole atmosphere in Mexico is completely different than the hustle and bustle of the United States. I'm always ready to come back to my routine, but it is a nice break from reality to spend a week or two down there. The Royal Resort is phenomenal; it is unlike anything you've ever seen. It is complete luxury with every amenity possible. Jay and I enjoyed hanging out with my mom, my brother, Mike, and Tabitha. We went swimming, fell asleep on the oceanfront, canopied shade beds, ate at fine restaurants, shopped on Fifth Avenue, toured Conzumel, endured a horrendous ferryboat ride, and much, much more. The above picture is our resort, and the below picture was taken from our balcony of the ocean.

Talon's School Play

Payton, Talon, Billy, & David (left to right)

Lyndsey, Talon, & Candes' (left to right)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Well, time has flown by this year, and Talon has almost completed his first year of school. I've included his class picture above and hope you enjoy it. There have been a few bumps along the way, but he has always continued to make the ES honor roll. Kindergarten is an exciting year that leads to many more years of school. Coming up next week, Talon has a leading role of John Smith in his class play. Jay and I will be in Mexico on vacation, but we'll be cheering him on from across the border.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter

Easter holiday, is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ! Jesus Christ, The Son of God, bled and died for us in a sacrifice. This Spring day's celebrated, generally in the month of April. All of the bright and pretty colors, of the Easter outfits with frills. Women and children will wear their Easter bonnets. In the Spring, you'll hear the various musical sonnets. April will bring many rain showers. That'll bring us various beautiful flowers. One special flower for this day is the Easter Lily. It's color is white, and yet snowy & milky. The birds will sing their songs of praise. As we begin to feel the warmth of the sun's rays. As we say "Goodbye" to the winter's gloom, the flowers and trees have already begun to bloom. All of life's beauty, the Lord created, for us all to share. Spring breezes begin to flow, sending fragrances through the air. The winter's thawing will let the rivers, lakes, and streams rise and flow. The beauty of the Earth will make us all feel aglow! Farmers and gardeners will start to hoe. And then they'll begin to sow. On Sundays, we'll hear the various church bells ring. Let's be grateful for the LORD, let's rejoice and sing. If it wasn't for the Lord, we wouldn't have anything!

You are some bunny special!

We're not hunting wabbits, we're hunting Easter eggs!

You look egg-stra special!!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Honeymoon Snapshots

Market Pavilion Hotel: The Life of Luxury


Rooftop Bar
Pool located on the Hotel's Roof
The View from our Hotel

We spent two nights at the Market Pavilion Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina. Our hotel was absolutely luxurious and private. It was located right in the heart of downtown Charleston within walking distance to the Battery. We shopped, ate at fine restaurants, took a private, historical carriage tour, had drinks at the rooftop bar, and most importantly, enjoyed spending time with each other. It was a fabulous start to many honeymoons that we will be taking ... the next trip will be in May 2007 to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.

Leaving for Charleston

The INFAMOUS Lap Dance

For those of you who know Mark, he's always been known as the white guy who has rhythm. He can shake his butt like no one else that I have ever seen ... WELL, his wife and my mom decided that they would make me turn 100 shades of red by Mark giving me a lap dance. The funniest thing was that my husband thought it was hysterical!

Talon, and his girl, Zoie

Dancing: Get on the Dance Floor ;)