Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Two of my favorite bloggers, Danelle & Judith, have tagged me to share 7 random, unknown facts about myself. Well, there is very few things that are unknown about me because I always speak my mind and share what I'm feeling. BUT, I will do my best to come up with something. However, I must tag other bloggers so here's who I choose .... JORDAN, ANDREA, ERICA, & AMIE!

1. I love horse-drawn carriage rides
2. I would love to be a stay-at-home mom (if our funds would permit)
3. I hate cleaning bathtubs
4. I not only budget and pay for my own bills, I also watch after three of my friends' financial affairs as well
5. I HATE football
6. I'm obsessed with organization
7. I love the smell of clothes drying