Friday, April 4, 2008
Well, it has been some time now since I've adjusted and re-evaluated our INFAMOUS BUDGET!!! My friends, family members, employer, and co-workers like to poke fun at my budget because I'm so dedicated to updating our spreadsheets according to each penny earned and spent.
I'm on a mission to get Jay's car paid off before we get pregnant again and bring a child into this world. I've always admired and appreciated the sacrifices made so my mom could stay at home with me and Josh. I, too, would like to be able to do that, but I know there are many sacrifices we'd have to make. I also don't know if it is completely feasible, but it's worth a try. YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY.
P.S. Say a prayer for us as we, once again, start to try to expand our family!
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