Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I've been TAGGED ...

I have been tagged by Andrea ...

I am : a wife, daughter, sister, friend, accountant, and the list goes on

I think: life is what you make it

I know: that one day I will spend eternity in heaven

I want: to get pregnant like YESTERDAY ... LOL

I have : a wonderful family who blesses my life

I wish: I could be a stay-at-home mom

I hate: that people tend to think more about themselves than those around them who need help and love

I miss: the smell of cut grass, clothes drying, and the carefree lifestyle of being a child


I feel: loved

I hear : myself and Melissa typing

I smell: my RALPH perfume

I crave: Chick Fil-A

I search: for cheap vacation deals ... I love to travel as long as the plane ride isn't very long

I wonder: why people make life more difficult than it is ... I try to enjoy each and everyday ... I take the good and the bad

I regret: very few things because every decision and event in my life has shaped who I am

I love: my family and friends

I ache: after running on the treadmill

I care: for my family, friends, and my two four-legged babies

I always : have to have everything organized or I feel like my life is in total chaos

I am not: spontaneous ... though I would like to be

I believe: in God

I dance: when no one is looking because I'm completely uncoordinated in that area

I sing: all the time

I cry: when I'm mad

I don’t always: keep my opinion to myself ... I tend to say whatever is on my mind ... My husband likes to ask me if I need a megaphone ;-)

I fight: for what I believe in

I write: to family and friends quite often ... I send cards for just about every occasion

I win: when playing Tiger Woods on Playstation 2 against my husband

I lose: when trying to keep up with Jay when we're running

I never: go anywhere without my box fan because Jay snores ... we even buy one in Mexico each trip

I confuse: phone numbers easily b/c I have them saved in my cell phone instead of in my brain

I listen: to K Love radio station all the time ... Jay thinks it is cute because I know the words to all the of the songs, but I only listen to it when I'm in the car

I can usually be found: with my family when I'm not at work

I am scared: of snakes

I need: me time so I won't go insane

I am happy about: where I am in life and thankful to have a supportive husband and family

I think: my four-legged babies are the BEST

I TAG Judith, Carrie, & Erica


Judith and Lance said...

Hey jamie. I noticed you tagged me, have been out of town and really busy, i'll update w/ this when i can. your new posts are great!