Friday, April 4, 2008


I also wanted to ask all of my blog friends for any advice, suggestions, stories, etc. on how you are able to stay-at-home or how you cope with having to work while also raising your children.

Have a blessed night!


Madelyn's Mommy said...

I HAVE to work. It is not by choice. If I had things my way we would win the lottery and I would never have to worry about money again. :) But I don't really think that will happen.

It is hard working full time and raising my daughter. I feel like I cheat her because I only get 2 1/2 hours with her each night. That sucks. So on the weekends I don't ever want to leave her. Which makes my mama mad because she wants to keep her.

It makes it easier for me to work because we have a GREAT babysitter. She keeps kids in her home so Madi has alot of extra atterntion that she wouldn't get at a daycare. That makes me feel better.

You just do what you gotta do. If you can stay at home with your child GO FOR IT!!

I will be praying for you as you try to get pregnant again. Believe me I KNOW all to well what you are going through. If you ever need to talk my email is


Anonymous said...

Both my older sisters have been stay at home mommies :) They loved it for the time, and then after a couple years, they both decided they wanted to go back to work. I would like to stay at home, at least for the first couple of years, but I don't know how that will happen either -- if I win the lottery, I will share with you! :) Hope all is well! ~Kimberly