Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Talon stayed with Grandma Peggie this past week for a couple of days while he was off of school, and he loved every minute of it. I'm truly thankful for her presence in his life!

Amazing, acknowledge them.
I have been tagged by Andrea ...
I am : a wife, daughter, sister, friend, accountant, and the list goes on
I think: life is what you make it
I know: that one day I will spend eternity in heaven
I want: to get pregnant like YESTERDAY ... LOL
I have : a wonderful family who blesses my life
I wish: I could be a stay-at-home mom
I hate: that people tend to think more about themselves than those around them who need help and love
I miss: the smell of cut grass, clothes drying, and the carefree lifestyle of being a child
I feel: loved
I hear : myself and Melissa typing
I smell: my RALPH perfume
I crave: Chick Fil-A
I search: for cheap vacation deals ... I love to travel as long as the plane ride isn't very long
I wonder: why people make life more difficult than it is ... I try to enjoy each and everyday ... I take the good and the bad
I regret: very few things because every decision and event in my life has shaped who I am
I love: my family and friends
I ache: after running on the treadmill
I care: for my family, friends, and my two four-legged babies
I always : have to have everything organized or I feel like my life is in total chaos
I am not: spontaneous ... though I would like to be
I believe: in God
I dance: when no one is looking because I'm completely uncoordinated in that area
I sing: all the time
I cry: when I'm mad
I don’t always: keep my opinion to myself ... I tend to say whatever is on my mind ... My husband likes to ask me if I need a megaphone ;-)
I fight: for what I believe in
I write: to family and friends quite often ... I send cards for just about every occasion
I win: when playing Tiger Woods on Playstation 2 against my husband
I lose: when trying to keep up with Jay when we're running
I never: go anywhere without my box fan because Jay snores ... we even buy one in Mexico each trip
I confuse: phone numbers easily b/c I have them saved in my cell phone instead of in my brain
I listen: to K Love radio station all the time ... Jay thinks it is cute because I know the words to all the of the songs, but I only listen to it when I'm in the car
I can usually be found: with my family when I'm not at work
I am scared: of snakes
I need: me time so I won't go insane
I am happy about: where I am in life and thankful to have a supportive husband and family
I think: my four-legged babies are the BEST
I TAG Judith, Carrie, & Erica
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Couldn't AND Wouldn't Want To Imagine Life WITHOUT Him
2 comments Posted by Jay and Jamie Dalton at 4:07 AMSibling relationships ... outlast marriages, survivethe death of parents, resurface after quarrels that wouldsink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnationsof closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust. ~Erica E. Goode
Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet. ~Vietnamese Proverb
To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time. ~Clara Ortega
Monday, April 14, 2008
Here's a picture from Mike's birthday dinner ... The THREE Stooges!!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
I also wanted to ask all of my blog friends for any advice, suggestions, stories, etc. on how you are able to stay-at-home or how you cope with having to work while also raising your children.
Have a blessed night!
Well, it has been some time now since I've adjusted and re-evaluated our INFAMOUS BUDGET!!! My friends, family members, employer, and co-workers like to poke fun at my budget because I'm so dedicated to updating our spreadsheets according to each penny earned and spent.
I'm on a mission to get Jay's car paid off before we get pregnant again and bring a child into this world. I've always admired and appreciated the sacrifices made so my mom could stay at home with me and Josh. I, too, would like to be able to do that, but I know there are many sacrifices we'd have to make. I also don't know if it is completely feasible, but it's worth a try. YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY.
P.S. Say a prayer for us as we, once again, start to try to expand our family!