Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Family Time

The above phrase, "Family Time", has come to mean so much to us this Summer. The whole point is about being together ... doesn't matter what we're doing as long as we're together. My heart has grown so much with pride this Summer as Talon conquers one milestone after another. It is a bittersweet moment because it also means he's growing up, but it is so promising to know that he has his whole future ahead of him.

Every day we have made it a priority to have some time of "Family Time". I love to see his eyes light up when he picks out what we're going to do as a family, and he even includes our four-legged babies.

He's learned to use his knife to cut his ravioli shells.

He's been reading Level 3 books ... His last book was about a martian, and they called Kindergarten ... Martiangarten. My heart swelled because this book was 32 pages long.

He's been writing in his journal everyday. He has to write 5 sentences before dinner about what he did during the day. I get tickled every time because one sentence is always about going to the bathroom.

He's conquered his fear of the water and the swimming pool. He began swimming lessons on Monday, and he's now jumping off the side of the pool to the instructor. The instructor doesn't catch him at all ... He just assists Talon in coming up from under the water.

I've been trying so hard to instill in him the acts of a gentleman. He held the door open for two ladies the other day at the gas station, and they forgot to say thank you. Well, Talon must have been offended because he looks at me and says, "They're rude ... They didn't even say thank you" ... The women heard him and apologized.

He's been target shooting with his new BB gun, and he's a great shot. We take turns at night shooting at a cereal box, and his safety goggles make him look so cute.

Jay and Talon had "bonding time" doing yardwork about two weeks ago. Talon pulled all the weeds in the yard, and you could tell he was about to spit nails. It was definitely a KODAK moment.

My prayer is that he'll always hold true to what he's been taught and remember the important things in life. Until then ...


Madelyn's Mommy said...

Good for you! Talon will appreciate everything you have taught him!

By the way I am loving all these posts!
