Saturday, January 31, 2009
31 Weeks ... Headed Out of Town for My Baby Shower!
0 comments Posted by Jay and Jamie Dalton at 5:58 AMThursday, January 15, 2009
I received the email below this morning, and thought I would share it with my blog friends. It truly was a reminder to me of Christ's love! Enjoy!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
We had a wonderful Christmas/New Year holiday. It was so nice to be able to spend time with family and friends. We were showered with all types of Christmas goodies and presents. I was also blessed with a few added pounds. :-)
My parents gave me one of my heart's desires ... a weighted-key keyboard. Playing the piano has always been my escape from the day ... I love to sit down, play song after song, and forget about life's issues. Music is one of God's greatest gifts, and I truly value each key, chord, and note!
I went last week for my gestational diabetes test, and it came back NEGATIVE! That is such a huge praise for me right now considering my favorite things to eat are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, rice krispies with bananas, chocolate milk, and powdered donuts. Yeah, I know ... I'm keeping such a lovely diet. At my last appt., I finally gained some weight, BUT I jumped from having gained nothing at all to gaining SIX pounds. The pregnancy is going great, and my only complaint is having to pee at least five times a night!
Jay is doing well, and he's enjoying watching my belly grow! BUT, I think his belly still looks bigger than mine! I'll have to post some pregnancy pictures soon! Until then ...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
We finally asked two of our FAVORITE couples to be JACKSON'S (Yes, his name is Jackson) GODPARENTS. After much prayer and discussion, they've both accepted! I'm so excited about the role they will play in his life, and I'm also encouraged to know that he'll have Godly role models to assist him in life. Not to mention, that Jay and I love being around them too! ;-) We love you!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009