Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bullet Points of Randomness

I was having a hard time coming up with something quick to blog about today so here's a short summary of randomness.

Tomorrow: my two babies, Jonah and Noah, go to Shampooches to have their monthly hair cut.

Feeling: Very tired -- I got up this morning about 4:30, headed to the gym for an hour training session with Jay and Steve, then did 30 minutes of cardio, took a shower, went to work, and ate WAY too much for lunch. So now I'm feeling like a nap! ;-)

Happy Because: today is Josh's (my brother) birthday ... He's celebrating his wonderful 27 years of life.

Today I: have been really busy at work.

Laundry: is up-to-date ... I have one load in the washer, and one load in the dryer. No dirty clothes, and all the clean ones have been put in their designated places.

Something I know: Jesus loves me!

Currently reading: Bible

Wanting: to take a vacation with my husband, brother, mom, and dad to somewhere tropical after tax season.

Favorite gadget: cell phone

Thankful that: Jay is exercising with me!

Wondering why: everyone in my house always assumes that I'll take care of everything.

Care to fill in any of these with your own answers?


Madelyn's Mommy said...

I've been tagged and now you are. Go to my blog to learn some really wierd things about me.
