Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jackson Cobb Dalton

It is amazing how much love you have for one tiny little guy! I sit and stare at him, and I am in awe that my husband and I made such a beautiful and perfect person. He is a complete joy, and Jay is so good with him. Jay is like having another little mom around the house.

After 19 hours of labor, Jackson was born on March 22nd at 9:54 PM. He weighed 7 pounds 6.5 ounces, and he was 20 inches long. It was a long, drawn out process, but it was worth every minute of it. I couldn't imagine life without him.

We went for his two week check-up on April 9th. He had gained up to 8 pounds 5 ounces, and he measured 22 inches long. The doctor was pleased with his progress. After the Dr. appt., we met Granny at the mall so I could exchange some gifts he got for a bigger size and shop for his Easter outfit. This Sunday will be his first time going to church, and I pray that he doesn't cry the whole time. Stay tuned for Easter pictures; we're headed to church for Easter with his Godparents, Uncle Mark and Aunt Layne! We went out for lunch with Granny and Uncle Josh after the mall then on to the outlet malls for some more shopping. We made a day of it, and he slept through most of it.


Amie said...

Jackson is adorable! I have been checking back for pictures and am so glad to finally see him. He is precious.

Dana Lilly said...

Your baby boy is beautiful!! I am so glad all is going well, and that you made it through the delivery. My best to you and your family!