Thursday, March 19, 2009
I went to see my doctor on Tuesday for my weekly appointment, and I haven't dilated at all. Due to some previous health issues, I have scar tissue that may keep me from dilating on my own. She was concerned to let me keep going on my own, size of the baby, and the fact my blood pressure was a little elevated yesterday. I have to check myself in on Monday night after 5:00 PM at Waccamaw Hospital, and they will administer a medication called Cervidil. If that causes my cervix to thin out and dilate, they will start pitocin on Tuesday morning, and hopefully, Jackson will arrive shortly thereafter. If the Cervidil doesn't work, Dr. Richmond is considering a c-section.
Please be praying that it is a short, easy delivery. I just want Jackson to be completely healthy, and for everything to go smoothly.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
37 Weeks .... Sooooo Ready for Jackson To Be Here!
1 comments Posted by Jay and Jamie Dalton at 10:55 AM