Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Here's a BIG Announcement ...

We can't believe
what's coming in March ...
A new baby Dalton is on the way!
We are expecting
our second child
in March 2009
Proud Parents-to-be
Jay and Jamie Dalton
Big Brother


Madelyn's Mommy said...

I am so excited for ya'll. I know you are so happy.

Praying for you during your pregnancy.


Amy said...

Congrats Jamie! What great news! We will be praying for a fun smooth pregnancy. Reagan says march is a great month.
Amy Winslow

Danelle said...

Congratulations again Jamie, I'm so excited for you all, and am praying for an uneventful pregnancy. I hope to see you in a couple weeks (if these hurricanes don't intervene) :-)
Talk to you soon, and it was great to see you.

Dana Lilly said...

Congratulation Jay and Jamie!! I hope the sickness gets better and the 2nd and 3rd trimester is more enjoyable. It was so great getting to see you and I hope we can get together next week when we are at the beach.
