Thursday, February 14, 2008
I was tagged by Andrea.
Here are 7 wierd/strange facts about me.
1)I am absolutely terrified of flying ... I get nauseous, headaches, etc. just thinking of flying in a plane, but the funny thing is is that I love to travel. So when we do travel, I have to take medicine in order to calm down and get on the plane.
2)I can't stand for my house to be in total disarray. I have certain cubbies, drawers, cabinets, etc. that household items are supposed to go in, and I expect everyone in my house to keep it that way. ;-) Thank God that Jay has learned it is much easier to do things my way.
3)I seem to be undecided on children right now b/c I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that my time with my husband will be compromised along with giving up my free time. Selfish, I know!!!!
4)I have a hard time trusting people without thinking they want something or need something from me.
5)I treat my two dogs as if they are my children. Those two animals are spoiled to the point of no return. I feel guilty if I leave them home alone for too long.
6)I couldn't stand to live in another town away from my parents. I don't have to be around them or with them all the time, but I definitely have to be close to them.
7)I crave SUSHI on a regular basis! I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
I'm not going to tag anyone else b/c I think most of my friends have already completed this assignment! :0)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

On January 19, 2008, Talon turned the BIG "7"!!! He's lost his baby face, learned all kinds of sarcastic sayings, can tie his shoes, pick out his own clothes, made many friends at school, and the list goes on. He's grown into his own little person with his own unique personality. I've shared below some pictures of his birthday party at Jerry's Pizza.